ESKATA is the first and only FDA approved topical treatment for Seborrheic Keratoses.
Low Country Dermatology is proud to offer ESKATA, an innovative topical treatment for raised seborrheic keratoses (SKs). One of the biggest things that can affect your appearance is the formation of raised, dark, wart-like benign growths, known as SKs. While their development cannot be prevented (their cause is not entirely known), the good news is that there is a topical treatment for raised SKs.
Current treatment methods involve more invasive approaches, such as freezing, cutting, or burning with a laser that has a higher potential for scarring. With ESKATA, Low Country Dermatology has the ability to treat these spots with less likelihood of scarring.

What are these spots on my face?
If they are SKs, they are harmless—but your dermatologist is the one to make that diagnosis. SKs are non-cancerous growths. The spots can be flat* or raised with a color that is normal skin tone or darker. SKs can have a velvety, shiny, or wart-like texture and grow thicker. Over time, they may get bigger and more may show up.
ESKATA is approved to treat raised SKs.
Why did I get them?
Risk factors include age and genetics.
How are they treated with ESKATA?
ESKATA provides:
- The only FDA-approved, topical treatment that can treat raised SKs.
- A proprietary solution based on a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide that your healthcare provider applies directly to raised SKs using a soft-tip, pen-like applicator.
- Topical treatment of raised SKs with a low risk of scarring (3% of patients in clinical studies).
What is ESKATA treatment like?
- ESKATA is applied with the soft-tip, pen-like applicator at your dermatologist’s office.
- Your dermatologist will treat each raised SK 4 times, approximately 1 minute apart.
- The most common side effects of ESKATA include itching, stinging, crusting, swelling, redness, and scaling.
- ESKATA is not covered by insurance; it is a self-pay treatment.
- ESKATA should not be used on open or infected lesions.
When will I see results?
Your healthcare provider will evaluate your results approximately 3 weeks after treatment with ESKATA. If your treated raised SKs are not clear, your healthcare provider may apply ESKATA once more, as long as the treatment area is not irritated. In clinical studies, results were evaluated at Day 106 after initial treatment.